How to Remove Bot Fly Larvathumbnail
Use forceps to remove bot fly larvae from under the skin.
Bot fly myiasis is a condition that is guaranteed to literally and figuratively make the skin crawl. Ranging from Mexico to Central America, the female bot fly lays her eggs on the underside of a mosquito. When the mosquito bites a human, body heat causes the eggs to hatch into larva, which penetrate the skin and become embedded in the victim's flesh. This infestation is called myiasis, and the initial symptom is a small nodule on the skin that grows over the course of several weeks. Frequently painful, the center of the nodule contains a small hole the larva uses to breathe. Although myiasis presents no health risk, discomfort often dictates removal of the larva. While sometimes removed surgically, bot fly larva are most often removed with at-home treatments.

The Botfly is an insect that in the larval stage lives in animals and sometimes in humans. Human Bot flies are found in Central and South America, particular in the sub-tropical and tropical regions.
The human botfly does not bite or lay its eggs on people, but attach its eggs to smaller flies or mosquitoes by gluing its eggs to their bodies. When the mosquito bites a person, the eggs are released onto a human and then because of the body heat, the eggs hatch into larvae and the larvae uses the mosquito bite area as the entry point or borrow themselves into the skin.
Once inside the skin, the larvae then begin feeding on the skin tissue. Tiny hooks secures the larvae in place, and it secrets an antibiotic into its burrow, which staves off competing bacteria. A boil-like lesion develops on the skin a tiny hole is present, so the larvae can breathe.
If not removed the Botfly larvae will develop inside the skin for about 6-8 weeks. The then drop out to the ground, where they pupate. Adult botflies emerge from the pupas in about 20 days, and the cycle starts all over again.

How to Remove a Botfly

To remove a botfly maggot, you have to cut off the air supply of the larvae by sealing off the air hole found in the surrounding blister.
One way to do that is cover with Petroleum Jelly, Vaseline or Duct Tape to cut off the air supply. This forces the grub to expose itself, so it can be pulled or squeezed out.
Another suggested solution to remove the larva is use a venom extractor syringe. These syringes are common in some first-aid kits to deal with snakebites.


If bitten by a mosquito or a small fly that you think could be a carrier of the bot fly egg apply alcohol immediately to the area where you think you have been bitten. The alcohol will kill the larvae.
To prevent mosquito & insects bites, follow these guidelines:
  • Use bed nets (mosquito nets) sprayed with insecticide and insect repellents can decrease the chances of getting bit.
  • Wear protective clothing (long pants and long-sleeved shirts).
  • Use insect repellent with DEET (diethylmetatoluamide). The repellent is available in varying strengths up to 100%. In young children, use a preparation containing less than 24% strength, because too much of the chemical can be absorbed through the skin.

Bot Fly removal  Article  from